Tuesday, July 19, 2011

1st Attempt at shooting my own family pictures...

Whew!  We can check that off the list.  Push the button and RUN!  Everyone is even looking, I think I totally lucked out!  I am so very grateful for such an amazing family.  I love them so very much!  They truly bring me pure happiness and joy...and at times headaches, but mostly the happiness and joy thing. :D  And a special thanks to my mom for trusting me with my Great Grandmothers old chair...it looks perfect!

Now I just have to decide which one to order for my wall...decisions, decisions.

This Image is property of Glimpse Photography, LLC. Use without permission is prohibited.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beautiful...need I say more.

What a fun evening with two of my girls.  I am so blessed to have them.  They make me smile.  How I love laughing with them!